What To Feed Your Dog?

We all know that dogs and humans love to eat and given half a chance, they would eat all day. This article will address what dogs should eat and how much.

When you walk through the supermarket pet aisle or stroll around any pet store, every human should be awestruck by the countless food options for our beloved pooches.

There are the tinned food, dry biscuits, special meats and more treats … . Feeding human’s best-friend is a multi-million dollar enterprise! The real human dog food questions regarding the never ending dog food options should be — Is there a difference and is it all good for your dog?

Experienced and schooled veterinarians have opined that us humans should try to avoid dry food for dogs. Although there is no scientific proof, the reason being is that unless you make sure the dog gets enough water, the dried food could damage the dog’s kidneys due to the fact that it is such a concentrated food and it puts a lot of pressure on the kidneys.

Without sufficient water the kidneys will be overworked and will inevitably suffer. Giving your dog a few dried biscuits each day is not harmful, but excessive biscuit consumption may lead to kidney failure or disease.

Many dog owners feel obligated to feed their dog biscuits because of the vitamin and mineral content. For those devout human dog biscuit peeps, feel free to continue to give your dog a few daily biscuits. Add the biscuits to your pooch’s main meal and make sure to add water to the meal. This will cause the biscuits to absorb a bit of water and will be less taxing on the system of your dour legged bestie.

If you want to avoid the biscuits, swap them for vegetables and fruit. Raw vegies, such as grated carrot and zucchini are a great addition to a dog’s meal. Add a cup of cooked brown rice for bulk and vitamins as well. Most vegetables are good for your dog, but tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, onions and leeks. Fruit is also good for your pooch. Avoid citrus but give your dog apples, pears and peaches. Most importantly, your dog needs protein. This is what your dog gets from meat. Dogs need a bit of meat daily with their main meal.  About 200 grams of meat for an average sized dog should be fine.

How much you should feed your dog is another story. You should be able to just feel a dog's ribs when you touch his chest. It goes without saying, but if your canine is gaining weight, you are feeding your dog too much. If your dog is really skinny, he is not getting enough. Human Alert — Don't be fooled by the fact that your dog will repeatedly check his/her food trough or continually ask for food.

A dog will continue to eat as long as you continue to give the food.

Back to the human and dog instructions.  Always make sure that humans, as well as your dog, get enough daily exercise and then adjust both of your food intakes accordingly. Having an overweight dog is cruel to the animal. Your beloved pet doesn't know how to go on a diet, but your pooch will assuredly suffer when he/she cannot run and jump like she/he used to.

For all your dog and pet nutritional needs, check out Dirty Dogs and Meow online at https://dirtydogs.com

Dirty Dogs also has 5 California locations in Carmel Mountain Ranch, Del Mar Highlands, Hillcrest, Solana Beach, or Torrey Hills, all of which are stocked with dog food from top brands like Pure Vita, Stella & Chewy’s, Open Farm, Nutrisource and many more.

Fulfill your canine nutritional needs today and visit Dirty Dogs and Meow today for high quality dog and pet food. Because a happy dog is a healthy dog. Stick to good natural food for your dog and make sure he or she gets lots of exercise and you will have a healthy and happy dog.
