4 Reasons Why You Should Have Your Cat Professionally Groomed

The daily adventures of a cat can definitely result in a cat with dirt and grit clinging to their coat. Despite the fact that cats diligently perform what appears to be rather stringent personal grooming routines, your cats’ best efforts to clean themselves is not always enough.

That is why it is important to keep your cat in a hygienic state by using professional pet grooming services.

Below are 5 reasons why cat owners should regularly have their cat professionally groomed.


Groomers have the opportunity to examine your cat’s eyes, ears, teeth, and nails. During this check, the groomer can identify signs or symptoms that may indicate disease or injury. It is also the perfect time to check for parasites, such as fleas and ticks.


Cats need their ears cleaned regularly, especially those with long coats!


A happy cat has a healthy and clean coat which is free of any tangles or knots. To help prevent matting, one solution is to ask your professional groomer to do a lion-style haircut for your cat, shorter in summer and slightly longer in winter - it’s a cut that’s fun and functional!


Frequent trips to the groomer, as well as ongoing and regular grooming helps to train your cat to start enjoying sessions and can encourage socialization, especially if they are an indoor cat that does not see too many new people.

For all your pet grooming services & needs, including cat grooming — check out Dirty Dogs and Meow online at https://dirtydogs.com

Dirty Dogs also has 5 California locations with pet grooming facilities at each site, in Carmel Mountain Ranch, Del Mar Highlands, Hillcrest, Solana Beach, or Torrey Pines.

Remember that cat grooming is more important than you think. Check out Dirty Dogs and Meow for a ‘Kitt-E-Style’ at a Dirty Dog Salon.
